Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Poe, Edgar Allan, 2008
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-19-479132-8
Verfasser Poe, Edgar Allan Wikipedia
Systematik ELek - Englischlektüre - Easy Readers
Interessenskreis Jahrgangsstufe 8, Niveau A2+ Englisch
Schlagworte Mysterien, Jugendlektüre, englisch, Unheimliches
Verlag Oxford University Press
Ort München
Jahr 2008
Umfang 68 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Reihe Oxford Bookworms 3
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Edgar Allan Poe
Annotation The human mind is a dark, bottomless pit, and sómetimes it works in strange and frightening ways. That sound in the night...is it a door banging in the wind, or a murdered man knocking inside his coffin? The face in the mirror...is it yours, or the face of someone standing behind you, who is never there when you turn round?
These famous short stories by Edgar Allen Poe, that master of horror, explore the dark world of the imagination, where the dead live and speak, where fear lies in every shadow of the mind...
(Quelle : Klappentext)
Ex.nr. Standort
17263 ELek, LekJG 8/07


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